Gallery Informal Terms and Conditions

These terms and conditions apply to any exhibition we host on our website. Please read this before applying.

1. Acceptance

  • Participants must acknowledge that they are subjected to these terms and conditions.
  • Acceptance to the exhibition will be decided based on the artwork’s resolution (please make sure that image files are high resolution). We cannot accept work that we cannot see when it is resized to fit a tablet or computer screen.
  • The applicant acknowledges that the decision by the GALLERY INFORMAL (under META SPACE GALLERY) reviews submissions by relevance to the topic of the exhibition, so artwork or submissions not relevant to the exhibition will be declined. We also list artists based on when they where accepted and thus the positioning in our exhibitions is not based on any merits.
  • Applicants are expected to have researched our exhibitions in the past and understand how we work and how we promote the work for the exhibition. You can research this by exploring our Instagram account and browsing the website.
  • If you dispute the ways in which we promote your work, we can remove you from the exhibition. You are expected to have researched this before applying.
  • We do not accept abusive behaviour or harassment towards the curator or organisation. This includes (but not limited to) insults, threats and harassment. If during an exhibition or throughout the editing period this behaviour is encountered we reserve the right to remove you from the exhibition and publication.

2. Ownership

  • Participants do not cede their copyrights to Gallery Informal (aka. META SPACE GALLERY) but give their permission for the Gallery Informal (META SPACE GALLERY) to showcase their work through their official social media accounts and the gallery website. Therefore, The submitted work is still the copyright/property of the participant, and the Gallery Informal / META SPACE GALLERY does not claim ownership.
  • The Gallery Informal (META SPACE GALLERY) reserves the right to display the artists’ work and some or all of the content on the website and its socials.
  • We also reserve the right to remove your artwork and pages at any given time if you breach these terms and conditions.
  • We reserve the right to archive the exhibition after it has been aired live. Please link back to the archived version once you update your links.

3. Interview Fees

  • Anyone requesting an interview is expected to first pay a flat fee of £6.50 (which helps to keep the Gallery Informal running).
  • Interviews are optional and can only be selected during the submission period in the submission form. You cannot request an interview if you put ‘No’ in the form even after applying.
  • Once the interview has been answered, the interview fee is no longer refundable. You will only be charged after sending your interview responses. You are expected to pay the fee within 5 days of answering the questions.
  • If the fee has not been paid; we will not show the interview in the exhibition.


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